The Jim Passé
Million Dollar BlindFolded Drive

What The World Is Saying About
The Jim Passé Million Dollar
Blindfolded Drive Across America

In what can only be described as a miraculous trip across the nation, Jim completed the Million Dollar Blindfolded Drive to raise money for the cure of paralysis on time ... and in one piece. 

The icing on the cake was Jim’s feature interview on NBC’s July 8th TODAY SHOW WITH KATIE COURIC!!!!!  The show is filmed in NYC – Jim was in California which meant he had to get up at 3 am to be on EST’s running of the live show at 7:00 am.. 

Katie centered the interview on Jim’s relationship with John Edwards and the time when John was in practice with David Kirby (Edwards and Kirby). John represented Jim during his trial proceedings.    Jim spoke candidly about the need for trial attorneys such as John that can stand up for people with lives shattered by corporate recklessness or medical negligence. 

Here is just a sampling of other online reports (as we become aware of more, we will send them to you in the next update):
Paralyzed Man to Drive Blindfolded from New York to Los Angeles;
Epic Feat to Raise Money for Paralysis Research

A paralyzed man is preparing to test his limits this week when he embarks on the "world's longest blindfolded drive," an epic 3,000 mile road trip that will take him from New York City to Los Angeles.

NCBuy Weird News
Thought you've seen every magic trick in the book? How about the paralyzed magician who's driving across America -- blind?

The Miami Project
June Connections:

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Magic Times

Daily Times

Las Vegas Weekly

The Pink Sheet Daily

International Brotherhood of Magicians (Ring 199)

Triangle Calendar

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