The Jim Passé
Million Dollar BlindFolded Drive

Make A Donation

There are several ways you can help The Jim Passé Foundation reach it's goal of $1 million for the Miami Project To Cure Paralysis (MJCP).

Drive Sponsors: People may sponsor the MBD per mile much like running and cycling events. Monies can be pledged either through the MBD web site, mail, and volunteers or via an 800 number.

Gala Dinners: Prior to the start of the drive on June 22,2004 in Raleigh and then in New York City on June 29, 2004, the night before the start of the MBD, we will have gala dinners as well as a grand finale dinner in Hollywood. Each dinner will include a magic show presented by The Magic of Jim Passé. Jim and his entourage will donate their time for these shows, as well as the MBD event itself.

Tickets for all gala dinners will be priced at a Black Tie level. Additional dinners may be held along the route including Chicago, Las Vegas and Denver. Plans are also in process for a special fund-raising show in Cleveland at the International Brotherhood of Magicians Annual convention (in-negotiations).

Corporate Sponsors: We plan to secure corporate sponsors to underwrite the expenses for the fundraising as well as the dinner functions and the costs of the MBD itself. Corporate donors will receive visibility on all advertising (print and media), the car used in the MBD, the Web site, special recognition at Gala dinners, and promotional efforts yet to be determined. Donations will be to the Jim Passé Foundation a new non-profit organization having 501(c) 3 status.

Make A Pledge Or Donation Now

Contact Us About A Corporate Sponsorship

Volunteer To Help At A Gala Dinner

Return Policy: JPF is a 501C3 corporation, information available upon request. Donations are non refundable except for errors on the part of the JPF. Please consider carefully before donating to the JPF or any charitable organization.

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